We deliver within a 60 mile radius of SN14 0ZE, offering Free delivery on all orders over £420, any orders below £420 will incur a £41.95 delivery charge. If you are outside of our 60mile radius do contact us directly as we may still be able to help, a courier charge may apply to get the required goods delivered to you and will be provided by quotation.
- Delivery lead times please allow up to 3-5 working days stock dependent, we’ll endeavour to get this delivered as soon as possible.
- Click and Collect available from our Chippenham Store, Unit B8 Ashville Court, Methuen Park, Chippenham, SN14 0ZE. For items not in stock, other items can be ordered to store with an aim of 2-3 days lead time.
- In store we stock a variety of fixing and fittings to suit most requirements for different trades.
- All prices advertised on our website and in store are inclusive of VAT.